How to Plan for Future Home Additions to a Custom Home

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In the past, homeowners were encouraged to build or buy the biggest house that they would need. Now, we can design a home that’s easy to expand should the option turn into a requirement. Incorporating expandable design into your home can save you money. It will also allow for future planning for a bigger family.

Build Up Home Additions

The first option for expanding a home is to build a second floor. In older homes, this might not be an option due to the load requirements. However, when you are designing a custom home, you can plan for a second-floor addition. Your designer will be able to create sturdier walls, and an exterior that will blend seamlessly should a second floor be added. 

Think about leaving room for this home addition over the garage. If you are almost certain that this space will be needed later, why not try leaving it unfinished. Perhaps as an attic space, until it’s needed at a later date. This will give you the foundation without all the extra finishing costs up front.

Build Onto Your Home

The second thought you might have is to add a new room to the side of the home. However, you might think of older homes where the siding in the bedroom makes it obvious this was done. If you’re designing a custom home with future options, your plans can pre-include how to convert the side of your home into more space. 

Your designer will be able to create a base plan to be used when constructing the home, as well as the layout of how the addition will be added to maintain the integrity of the house both inside and out. As a starting point, think about having a hallway that ends in a closet on the side of the home, this can be converted into a true hall that leads to one or two more rooms and a bathroom.

Build Out to Create Multiple Spaces

Finally, if you are thinking about expanding your home after it’s built the last option to consider is a modular layout. Using this method, your home can start with the base rooms and add as many additions as necessary. In general, you can add whatever you need by plopping an addition building on the site.

However, pre-planning these home additions can be a game changer.  Usually, you will find the additions connected by porches, sunroom hallways, or paths. If you choose to add these after the fact, they can look like tiny homes added to your property. However, done right, these can make your home look like a planned living space.


No matter if you want to build it all at once or plan your expansions ahead of time Wiltrack Construction is here as your design-build option. We’ll wall through your needs, wants, and budget to see what’s best for you and your family both now and in the future.

Wiltrack Construction & Development Group, LLC specializes in providing high quality construction services for our neighbors in Florida. Contact us for a free quote on your next project.

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