Should You Buy Land Before of After Finding a Builder?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Many clients in search of a custom home ask, “Should I have land first or should I have the design first? Will the land influence the home?” While you can always do what you want, we do think having the land first is the best option. Today, we’re going to go over the reasons why we believe that having the area first will help in your custom home design.

(Non)Changeable Options

When you obtain land, there’s only so much that can be reasonably done to change it. For example, if your chosen property has a steep hill on one side, only extensive terraforming can make your lot level. If you created a level custom home design before buying this land, then you will run into issues. 


However, if you buy the hilly land first, you can think about a half basement that uses the property to its advantage. Purchasing the land first allows your home to form around the given constraints. Your designer will think about the existing conditions, such as topography, rocks and trees, HOA regulations, and more. If you obtain the design first, then you must go to each piece of land with these present values in mind.

Orientation & Views

When you build a custom home, you need to think about what your windows will be looking at. Unlike a pre-built home, you can choose what you want to see from your kitchen or what you don’t want to see from your bedroom. Furthermore, you should think about the way that your home is facing. 


A designer will understand the sun’s movements and be able to use those to your advantage. Designing a home that keeps in mind the environment during the summer and winter will ensure that your bills are lower and your rooms are more comfortable. Finally, think about what your neighbors can and should not be able to oversee. 


If you want a huge window in your bedroom, make sure it isn’t facing your neighbors living room. All of these are much easier to do when you’ve designed the home after the purchase and survey of the land.


Building a custom home is generally more expensive than buying a home. However, that’s not a bad thing. You’re getting the exact home that you want in the precise spot that you need it. Also, no one has lived in the house before you. It’s yours to customize and know inside-out. However, this is one reason that you want the land before you design the home. 


Buying the land will be a determining factor in many of the home choices that you make. In addition, it could also make the actual budget you have to spend on the home increase or decrease. If you buy a pricier section of land, then you will have less to spend on the home itself. On the other hand, if the soil type of your home requires a thicker base, then the cost of the house will rise overall. When you’re using a fixed budget, getting the fixed item will help you work with the flexible one.

Wiltrack Construction & Development Group, LLC specializes in providing high quality construction services for our neighbors in Florida. Contact us for a free quote on your next project.

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